Monday, November 17, 2008

Fellow Yearbook Nerds...

Thanks so much for joining us for the nerdiest experience at the JEA/NSPA Convention. We had great fun sharing ideas with you. I do have a few t-shirts left. If you want to invest in nerdware, 10 bucks includes the t-shirt and shipping. Let me know if you are medium, large, XL or XXL. Take special care and nerd on!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

So you know you're a yearbook nerd when...

We've only been away 36 hours but already...
- one yearbooker worked on designs on the plane
- several staffers snagged free magazines and papers to tear out ideas
- two yearbookers conducted "man on the street" interviews to find local flavor
- two girls went to the yearbook vendors in the exhibit hall and scoped out all the other books
- we've all taken videos and photos galore.

One staffer said tonight, "You know, when I graduate I want to be in JEA and wear one of those blue shirts at a convention." And the thing is, she meant it!

So we're at the keynote hearing Al Tomkins of Poynter and the instant he shows us the popular YouTube video of the guy dancing all around the world, all we can think about is our own next video and how to add it to our facebook ASAP. We're doing one where we hold the yearbook and dance in all of these different places, sorta a parody of the original. We'll see.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

St Louis, 11-12-08, 6:25 p.m.

We've arrived, and as usual the room situation is a little dicey. But this blog has been created to support the sesson on "Advanced Yearbook Nerdology" being taught by Sarah Nichols, Casey Nichols and John Cutsinger on Friday morning.

Like today's electronic world, it was created on the fly. Actually, using free Wi-fi in the hotel lobby.

Our goal, as always, is to help yearbook nerds make a difference in people's lives. Sometimes it's a very small difference (a smile), sometimes it's very big (like us, we all teach it, live it, love it). So write on yearbook nerds. Tell us what qualifies you as a yearbook nerd.